Commercial Diving Rig and Helmets for Sale

Complete commercial diving rig:

  1. 2 diver air control box w/ 2 diver communications & pneumo all in one.
  2. 2 diver communication box with battery and life line.
  3. Amron 1 Model 2810A 1 diver communication box.
  4. Black harness (Atlantic Diving Equipment size large) with bailout bottles.
  5. Tan harness (Tuff Gear size large) with bailout bottles.
  6. Heavyweight belt for 8 pound lead weights from Atlantic Diving Equipment.
  7. Gorski G3000SS stainless steel diving helmet with neck dam.

* Prefer to sell above items together as a complete system.

Desco MKV Helmet #560 with new plastic display case/cage.

Desco MKV Helmet.

For more information about this commercial diving rig or the MKV helmets contact Dick Rutkowski

phone: (305)451-2551 or email:

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